
Professional Development Institutes

Professional Development Institutes/Career Center Tour

Professional Development Institutes are intense 4-hour (or 6-hour) workshops that are designed to provide participants with in-depth information. Participants registered for a PDI will receive 4 continuing education contact hours for their participation. Refreshment breaks will be provided. Participants must register for these sessions. 

NCDA is an NBCC-Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP) and may offer NBCC-approved clock hours for events that meet NBCC requirements.  The ACEP solely is responsible for all aspects of the program.



Wednesday, June 29, 2016 ~ 8:00 am - 12:00 noon


PDI #1 Developing a LiveBinder as a Career Development and Planning Resource Tool
The purpose of this workshop is to explain how a digital tool, known as a LiveBinder, can be used for organizing online content and learning.  In addition, how to create a LiveBinder and upload a wide variety of resources, as well as view them like pages in a book.
Cynthia Miller, Texas Tech University


PDI #2 Beyond the RIASEC and MBTI: Adapting Big 5 Personality to Career Development
Personality models used in career development are largely ignored by academic personality research. Instead, researchers use the Big 5. Hundreds of studies link the Big 5 with career selection and success, life satisfaction, and other topics. This session adapts the Big 5 for practical use in career counseling and education.
Maggie McCormick, Career Seasons; John E. Nelson


PDI #3 Developing Skills for Career Construction Counseling
Career construction counseling helps people across life’s diverse spectrum use work to actively master what they passively suffer. Integrating theory and practice, this session engages participants in learning and practicing career construction counseling and its core method of the career construction interview to increase their knowledge and skills in its use. Designed for a general audience.
Paul J. Hartung, Northeast Ohio Medical University; Mark L. Savickas, Northeast Ohio Medical University; Suzanne Savickas, Kent State University; Sara Santilli, Padua University; W. Chris Briddick, South Dakota State University; Susan R. Barclay, University of Central Arkansas


PDI #4 The Discovery Process: A Tool for Helping People with Disabilities Find Meaningful Work
The Discovery Process focuses on an individual’s uniqueness, and is a proven process that helps people with disabilities find meaningful work.  Participants will learn how to effectively utilize conversation, observation, and documentation to translate an individual’s life activities and skills into possibilities for successful employment.
Lisa Kelley, Arkansas Rehabilitation Services; Mary  Hunt, Arkansas Rehabilitation Services


PDI #5 Brain Based Career Development (BBCD): The New Career Development Model
For most individuals, the career development process is inherently overwhelming by the shear amount of information and future based thinking that goes along with making life altering decisions. This PDI will showcase the Brain Based Career Development (BBCD) model, which is based on cutting edge neuropsychological research.
Imants Jaunarajs, Career & Leadership Development Center - Ohio University


PDI #6 Coming Soon!



Wednesday, June 29, 2016 ~ 1:30 – 5:30 pm

PDI #7 Integrating CIP and RIASEC theories in Career Interventions and Services
A recent CDQ review called for the integration of theory, research, and practice. This session highlights how CIP and RIASEC theories comprise a comprehensive, cost-effective, research-based system of career interventions. Participants will learn how career services delivery in various settings can be enhanced when theory and research inform practice.
Robert Reardon, Florida State University; Janet Lenz, Florida State University


PDI #8 Using StrengthsFinder 2.0 to Increase Client’s Well-being and Engagement
How can you help clients create change, specifically around their well-being and engagement? Strengths is a powerful tool to help drive change and increase life satisfaction. Learn more about these topics and walk away with resources and tools you can immediately use to help clients make meaningful change.
Cori Shaff, Career Services, University of Colorado - Boulder


PDI #9 Chaos Theory of Careers: Fostering Career Development Through Theory, Practice, & Skill-Building
Chaos Theory of Careers (CTC) addresses the non-linearity and uncertainty of career, freeing clients from outdated modes when making career decisions in the 21st century. In this PDI, we will delve in-depth on the theory and build skills around interventions using a new framework for university and private practice settings.
Jon Schlesinger, Brandeis University; Lauren Pasquarella Daley, Catalyst, Inc.


PDI #10 Building a Career Practice that Enhances Well Being for You and Your Clients
To succeed in private practice it's not enough to be a great resume writer, career coach, counselor, or consultant. You must also be a business strategist and marketer ... while also handling the intricacies of pricing, product development and delivery, time management, technology, online reputation management, and so much more. Those who are new to private practice and those with established careers businesses will benefit from the practical tools and hands-on business planning provided in this session.
Marie Zimenoff, Career Thought Leaders Consortium


PDI #11 Five Steps to Helping People Make Tough Career Transitions
Career Development can be a reality even for people making tough career transitions. This practical session offers a five-step Career Development-based process and top tips to help clients get motivated, choose their job target, prove they can do the job, avoid getting screened out, and access and impress the people who can say yes. It will equip and inspire you to improve results with people transitioning from education, care-taking, lay-off, injury, prison, the military, business ownership, long-term unemployment, and more.
Elisabeth Sanders-Park, WorkNet Solutions



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